The Internet Marketing Basket
SEO Strategies
Social Media Marketing
Google Ads / Youtube Marketing
Website Development
Mobile App / Software Development
Email Marketing
- One stop solutions for all your Creative
needs. - Genie will Make Phenomenal Strategies!
Such as SMM, Ranking of SEO, Web
Development & Upgrading Reality on
Certain Levels to Grow your Business.

- Research and Acquire domain matching brand and with search engine optimization (SEO) potential
- Set-up hosting and install WordPress
- Acquire WordPress theme that provides current and future functionality/designwith ability for growth, integration of tools, expansion, serviceable by theme author, etc.
- Create Site Map / Table of Contents and Website Menu- Create landing pages with strategic content
- Include Security Protocol package to minimize any hacking and seal website
- Include Website Analytics & SEO package to maximize website search success

Social Media Marketing
- Creating Engaging Social Content
Platforms –
Integrate Social Media Activity into
Other Marketing Plans - Posting Company Related Updates
- Promotions and Social Campaigns
SEO Stratagies
- Determine rich keywords and SEO friendly terms to maximize impact
- Complete a “Googlization” of the site including Google Webmasters Tools, Google My Business set-up, Gmail account set-up, Search Console integration, Google Analytics set-up an integration, etc.
- Onsite SEO package to get us started – Yoast Plugin, sitemap submissions, per page optimization
- Offsite submissions and SEO – back-links included
- Ensure Social Sharing integration – FB like, promote on Linkedin, tweet, etc.

Lead Generation Program
- Develop Lead generation / marketing plan. Marketing can and SHOULD include other elements including website banner advertising, key organization/business-to-business/trade advertising, sponsored email advertising, sponsored advertising via social media channels, influencer marketing, blog advertising.
- Social Media Channel Marketing including specific campaigns for Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads etc
- Pay-Per-Click advertising
- Strategy, Copy writing, Keyword Selection
- Blast Email Marketing. List cultivation. Design email blasts. Oversee distribution. Report Opens/Clicks. Monitoring leads/website visitors.